Group Fitness At Its Best

Melissa Tew is the owner and creator of Echo Fitness. From a young age, Melissa was always moving and dancing. She began taking dance lessons when she was 12 years old and fell in love with the concept of teaching movement to people. As an adult, Melissa began participating in group fitness classes and became attracted to the idea of fun fitness classes that were inclusive to all walks of life.
Melissa began her journey by getting her first group fitness certification in 2015 and began teaching classes in Edmonton in early 2016. In 2017 she attended a HIGH Fitness class with a friend and instantly knew she needed to get certified to teach it as soon as possible. After HIGH Fitness took off with her Edmonton clients, she decided to bring the program to her home town as well, and because of this, she started the Camrose classes.
After a year of running successful classes in both Edmonton and Camrose, Melissa decided to grow her business by adding new and different style classes to take part in. Echo Fitness has also expanded to adding online and hybrid in person/online class options so classes can be taken from anywhere in the world.